Supported Payroll Packages
One of the key benefits of outsourcing your payroll to MindYourPayroll is that we don't require you to change current payroll software.
If you use one of the payroll packages we work with then we'll use your software, saving you time and money.
The software packages we can run your payroll on are ACE, EXO, IMS, MYOB Payroll, MYOB Business Payroll, Employment Hero, PayHero, Smartly and Xero.

Click on the logos below to see requirements for each payroll package:

We can run IMS Payroll for your organisation at our office using your existing IMS Payroll license.
We also need a single point of contact within your organisation for the payroll. That person must be available on pay day and maintain the following information:
Time sheets for waged staff
- Ideally you have IMS Online Express & Max which means employees can enter time sheets via the online portal. This feeds directly to the payroll.
- Alternatively, we can accept time sheets electronically via an integrated time and attendance solution or Excel.
- Or manual time-sheets will do.
Leave details for absent staff
- Ideally you have IMS Online Express & Max which means employees can enter time sheets via the online portal. This feeds directly to the payroll.
- Alternatively, we can accept time sheets electronically via an integrated time and attendance solution or Excel.
- Or manual time-sheets will do.
Changes in employment terms
- High level changes to employee information can be actioned via a spreadsheet in a confidential shared folder on Dropbox or Google Drive.
New staff or terminations
- Information for new employees is provided via a spreadsheet on Dropbox.
- Terminating employees is as simple as providing a name & termination date plus any additional instructions.
We can run MYOB Business Payroll for your organisation at our office using your existing MYOB license.
We need a single point of contact within your organisation for the payroll. That person must be available before and on pay day to update the changes sheet and to review the payroll reports prior to finalising.
Time sheets for waged staff
- Ideally you use MYOB Team timesheets for waged staff and these are approved by their manager.
- Or manual time-sheets will do.
Leave details for absent staff
- Leave taken can be provided via the Excel changes sheet
Changes in employment terms
- High level changes to employee information can be actioned via a spreadsheet in a confidential shared folder on Dropbox.
New staff or terminations
- Information for new employees is provided via the changes sheet.
- Terminating employees is as simple as providing a name & termination date plus any additional instructions.
We can run EXO Payroll for your organisation at our office using your existing EXO license.
We also need a single point of contact within your organisation for the payroll. That person must be available on pay day and maintain the following information:
Time sheets for waged staff
- Ideally you have EXO MyStaffInfo or EXO Time & Attendance. This processes weekly totals automatically (and transfer to MYOB Exo Payroll).
- Alternatively, we can accept time sheets electronically via an integrated time and attendance solution or Excel.
- Or manual time-sheets will do.
Leave details for absent staff
- Ideally you have EXO MyStaffInfo or EXO Time & Attendance. This processes weekly totals automatically (and transfer to MYOB Exo Payroll).
- Alternatively, we can accept time sheets electronically via an integrated time and attendance solution or Excel.
- Or manual time-sheets will do.
Changes in employment terms
- High level changes to employee information can be actioned via a spreadsheet in a confidential shared folder on Dropbox.
New staff or terminations
- Information for new employees is provided via a spreadsheet on Dropbox.
- Terminating employees is as simple as providing a name & termination date plus any additional instructions.

We can run MYOB Payroll for your organisation at our office using your existing MYOB license.
We also need a single point of contact within your organisation for the payroll. That person must be available on pay day and maintain the following information:
Time sheets for waged staff
- Manual time-sheets will do.
- Alternatively, we can accept time sheets electronically via an integrated time and attendance solution or Excel.
Leave details for absent staff
- Manual leave sheets will do.
- Alternatively, we can also accept this information electronically via an integrated time and attendance solution or Excel.
Changes in employment terms
- High level changes to employee information can be actioned via a spreadsheet in a confidential shared folder on Dropbox.
New staff or terminations
- Information for new employees is provided via a spreadsheet on Dropbox.
- Terminating employees is as simple as providing a name & termination date plus any additional instructions.

We can run Ace Payroll for your organisation at our office using your existing Ace license.
We also need a single point of contact within your organisation for the payroll. That person must be available on pay day and maintain the following information:
Time sheets for waged staff
- Manual time-sheets will do.
- Alternatively, we can accept time sheets electronically via an integrated time and attendance solution or Excel.
Leave details for absent staff
- Manual time-sheets will do.
- Alternatively, we can accept time sheets electronically via an integrated time and attendance solution or Excel.
Changes in employment terms
- High level changes to employee information can be actioned via a spreadsheet in a confidential shared folder on Dropbox.
New staff or terminations
- Information for new employees is provided via a spreadsheet on Dropbox.
- Terminating employees is as simple as providing a name & termination date plus any additional instructions.

We can run payroll for your organisation at our office using your existing license for Employment Hero; PayHero; or Smartly.
We also need a single point of contact within your organisation for the payroll. That person must be available before and on pay day to update the changes sheet and to review the payroll reports prior to finalising.
Time sheets for waged staff
- Ideally you use online timesheets for waged staff which are approved by their manager.
- Alternatively, manual time-sheets will do.
Leave details for absent staff
- Ideally you use leave approvals which means employees can enter leave via the online portal. Leave approved feeds directly into the pay.
Changes in employment terms
- High level changes to employee information can be actioned via a spreadsheet in a confidential shared folder on Dropbox.
New staff or terminations
- Information for new employees is provided via a spreadsheet on Dropbox.
- Terminating employees is as simple as providing a name & termination date plus any additional instructions.